Sports Leaders
Sports Leaders and Sports Captains are trained to lead PE in the school at a peer level. They are trained to lead warm ups, ensure children are completing ‘Personal Best’ competitions such as skipping and boxing. They lead a Change4Life dodgeball club at lunch time one day a week. These children also act as a school voice and help to guide and develop PE, school sport and physical activity. During a recent Sports Leaders meeting, the Sports Leaders chose the sports equipment we bought with the £1600 raised in October as sponsorship money for the event day with Paralympic athlete David Hill. They chose sports equipment to improve our break times, PE lessons and provide us with new after school clubs! In the Summer term this year, Argyle started running an archery after school club and a badminton after school club with our new equipment. Children in year 3/4 have already enjoyed using the new rainbow ribbons in their dance lessons. The Sports Leaders, who meet with the PE Co-ordinator termly and discuss events, the curriculum and potential developments to our active school. These children act as a voice and help drive PE. Children are therefore able to voice their experience of PE in our school and influence its direction. These children have chosen to spend Sports Premium money on a bike track, climbing walls, playground markings and basketball hoops in the playground to encourage active break and lunch times. They have chosen to spend sponsorship money on archery and badminton equipment to improve the variety of after school clubs Mary Dean’s offers. Sports Leaders help the PE Coordinator to plan Sports Day and help to set up and put away equipment needed for the event. Sports Leaders are used to get out equipment for PE lessons from the PE cupboard and put them away tidily. .