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Mary Dean's CE Primary School was last inspected in October, 2024. 

"Pupils enjoy coming to school. The school provides many experiences to develop pupils’ character. The range of clubs and activities help pupils to develop confidence. Pupils have a voice in the clubs on offer. This helps the offer to be broad and interesting for them. Pupils are proud of their sporting achievements in the locality." OFSTED, 2024

"The school is ambitious for pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to learn alongside one another." OFSTED, 2024

"The curriculum design and implementation in the early years are of high quality. This provides a strong model for the whole school curriculum. Children in the nursery and Reception Year flourish. They know the routines and learn how to share and take turns. Adults provide children with experiences that build their knowledge over time. The environments are set up to be exciting places of awe and wonder. Children sustain interest in the opportunities to consolidate learning and be curious. They are well-prepared for entry into Year 1." OFSTED, 2024

"Staff implement the phonics curriculum well. They follow an agreed and consistent approach to teaching phonics. This benefits all pupils, but particularly those who struggle to keep up. These pupils receive effective support to catch up. Books match the sounds pupils know. Adults focus on fluency as the goal beyond segmenting words and blending sounds. The impact of the developments in phonics has resulted in more pupils, including pupils with SEND, being able to read with confidence and fluency. " OFSTED, 2024

"Pupils learn about healthy relationships. They understand some of the ways people can be different. This includes knowing about protected characteristics. Pupils show respect for these differences. They understand and celebrate different cultures and faiths. Pupils know that tolerance and fairness are important values in modern Britain." OFSTED, 2024


Mary Dean's CE Primary School and Nursery

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